Not so long ago I started being privately romantic with a very handsome gentleman. He is a quiet type, sharply dressed and full of art and wine and stimulating discussion and no you may not have a 'turn' as I have already called dibs. We were enjoying the flush of courtship together - the coy smiles, the shared secrets, the unfolding of hearts. Louis Vuitton ReplicaHe would visit my house, we would drink cups of tea and play records and make out with the enthusiasm of giggling teenagers. And then I found myself, one afternoon in the midst of our delightful affair, feeling violently ill. had been, in my long-ago past, prone to the sorts of colourfully hysterical kidney infections that leave one sprawled across a hospital bed in the emergency room of the Alfred Hospital, having a pethidine injection jabbed into a buttock by a bosomy nurse while a man in scrubs affixes you to a drip as you wail to the gods WHY DO YOU HATE ME SONS OF JESUSES.Fake Louis Vuitton Handbags and so forth. These were hugely undignified affairs that generally ended with me being doped to the eyeballs and stroking nearby pieces of furniture whilst purring to them in a deranged manner: "If you're not doing anything

later, the doctor said I am allowed to have a picnic." We are of course careful who we allow to see us in a vulnerable state, be it a result of illness or otherwise. Parents and best friends are duty bound to hold our hand whilst we puke brown sludge into a tittle sample cup, or bend over to pull a leek out of the refrigerator crisper wearing nothing but a grimace and our Grade 5 pyjamas

that we know give us a camel toe, but can't bear to throw out because Josh Kitchen once said "You have a butt that won't quit" when we were wearing them on school camp. But when, exactly, do we let our guard down in a new love affair? When do we finally let someone see us in our raw, sickly, repulsive state, wearing support hose and a mono brow? I am dreadful at this. I fear the very moment I delicately cough blood into a little handkerchief and am backed away from slowly,

my soon-to-be ex-beau maintaining careful eye contact as he reaches for his coat and makes for the door. "0h shit," I imagine him thinking, "1 got a broken one." I worry that the moment a modicum of vulnerability creeps in. of humanness. I will be ditched for some doe-eyed violin player who was born without an anus.